Thursday, September 12, 2013

Deextinction In Kansas

Deextinction has been in the news in Lawrence, Kansas recently.  On August 21, 2013, the University of Kansas website featured an article entitled "Professor Examining Potential Laws To Regulate De-Extinction," which discussed my involvement with the legal issues surrounding efforts to revive extinct species.  Then, on September 7, 2013, the Lawrence Journal-World published an article entitled "Back from oblivion: The discussion around bringing extinct species back to life," and an accompanying September 9, 2013, blogpost entitled "Taking a Neanderthal out to coffee," for both of which I had the pleasure of being interviewed by reporter Ben Unglesbee.
Professor examining potential laws to regulate de-extinction - See more at:
Professor examining potential laws to regulate de-extinction - See more at:
Professor examining potential laws to regulate de-extinction - See more at: my involvement with deextinction