Monday, December 20, 2010
Senate Votes For Mom And (Safer) Apple Pie
In a surprise to many, late on December 19, 2010, the United States Senate unanimously passed a modified version of S.510, the "FDA Food Safety Modernization Act," by voice vote. If passed by the House, this bill will constitute perhaps the most significant overhaul to the food regulation provisions of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act since its inception in 1938. Soon after becoming President in 2009, Barack Obama came under intense pressure to improve regulation of food safety in the wake of a deadly Salmonella outbreak that contaminated peanut butter and melamine contamination of food imports from China. Titles I and II attempt to strengthen the capacity of the Food and Drug Administration to avoid food safety problems, and Title III focuses on the safety of food imported from other countries. LEXVIVO will provide additional coverage of this bill if it is approved by the House during this session of Congress, which approval now seems likely. President Obama strongly supports this bill, assuring that it will become law if passed by the House.